Do you sometimes wish to have a super power for freezing time? To stop everything from moving. To just… Breathe. Because I do. Sometimes I wonder, about my life, my past, how everything went by so quickly, without even noticing. All hours in school I wished for them to go faster, and all those beautiful moments that I wished to last forever. And then I sometimes get scared, that with time, I’ll forget all those amazing memories I made throughout the years. About all the small things that used to make my day, old friends, even the heartaches, it’s all worth remembering.
But that’s the beauty of memories. Photographs and journals fall apart, but all the feelings in your heart… They never really fade away.
Tights – Primark, Sweater, Necklace – H&M, Sneakers – Converse, Bag – Ebay, Ring – Forever 21, Shirt – vintage
hvaalaaa :D
Špela tole mi je pa TOP!
lep outfit:))
zakon outfit!
hvaalaa :D
Hvaalaa :D
kok si pa carsko fotke spimpala <3 i like i like! :) xx
Ful mi je všeč kombinacija črnega z jeansom. Res dobro zgleda, pa prstan je čudovit! :)))
zakon najlonke…ful dobra srajca! vintage <3
hvaalaa :D
sm našla en nov program in sm rekla da morm sprobat :D
hvaalaa :D
hvaalaaa :D
super žabeeee ! :))))
kje si jih kupila?
Hvalaa :D
Te so pa iz Primarka :)