Search Day Night

Outfit of the day: turn your cameras on now for the fun!

Isn’t it nice to finally put down thick coats and just go out in a blazer with some summerish sneakers? I’d say it’s awesome! And I did exactly that. I just love this warmer weather and I hope the cold and snow will stay far away till the next winter.  This was my outfit for a casual day mostly spent at my new home, doing groceries and cooking lunch for a friend PIA (which we ended with some fabulous home-made mojitos – photos coming later). So my weekend started early, I guess, I hope it will continue to be as awesome as it was today.

Leggings – Calzedonia, Tshirt, Sneakers, Necklace, Earring – H&M, Blazer – Bershka, Bag – Ebay

Have a fabulous weekend!

Cooking: A yummy lunch!

I know you’re all probably sick of me complaining about my internet problems, but yes, they’re still here,…


  1. Tele pomladne copatke mava pa iste, sam moje so že čis boge, kr sem jih lani skos nosla :D Ful lepa kombinacija drugače, rjavi blazer je pa itak pika na i :))

  2. Ohh, you lucky B!! We have still awful weather here in Germany… danes je bil prvi soncni dan po sigurno mesecu dni, ampak se vedno dosti hladno… Super look si izbrala! Barve ti ful pristajajo!

    Love, Ania

  3. joj k bi blo ševedno tko toplo k prejšni teden, zdej smo že nazaj na 5-8 stopinj, je pa vsaj ševedno sonček :)
    Hvaalaa :D

  4. Ooo kako luskan outfit! Zelo mi je vsec! Tudi jaz imam te sive supergice iz H&M :)

  5. Tele pomladne copatke mava pa iste, sam moje so že čis boge, kr sem jih lani skos nosla :D Ful lepa kombinacija drugače, rjavi blazer je pa itak pika na i :))

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