Search Day Night

New in: Fabulousity of glasses!

Chanel is first and foremost a style. Fashion goes out of fashion: style, never.

Gabrielle Chanel

I always wanted glasses, but when I actually got them, I wasn’t that excited anymore. Till now! If you follow me on Twitter you probably already saw that yesterday I finally got my new glasses. Two of them! And the second ones were free! Okay, now I’m done with exclamation points. 

But seriously, you would think I’m some kind of nerd, because I’m so excited about new glasses, which maybe I am actually. Anyways, back to the point. I chose brown/beige Chanel, and they’re fabulous! I’ll probably really become a nerd now, just so I can wear them all the time! (I’m “exclamating” again, aren’t I…). Well,here are my new babies, the Chanel ones and the non-brand other ones.

Pictures with me actually wearing them are coming in the next days…

Webcam fun!

If you haven’t yet, now you have a face to match the name of my dear awesome friend…


  1. hvaalaa :D
    chanelke so zakon, ful luštno zapakirane, čeprav se zdej etui ki je mal bolj chic ne ujema preveč z očali ki so taka retro awesome haha (detajli pač XD)
    Am, nevem kera firma so, kupla sm oboje v Clarusu in pač tadruge dobiš zastonj zravn. :)

  2. kok pa hude! chanelke bi mela že samo zarad etuija:)) iz kje so pa te tadruge? ful so lepe:))

  3.  Glasses are so cool, and I'm lucky, because I don't have to wear them all the time if i don't want to :)
    and thanks!

  4.  hvaaalaaa :D
    jaaa, geeks rulz! :D
    ful dobr, men pa originalne reybanke ne pašejo, ker so preveč široke, sm jih tut probavala… Clarus ma res ful velko izbiro, jz sm hotla kr ene 6 parou kupt :D
    jes jes, slikice upam da pridejo enkrat med vikendom še pred Londonom :))*

  5. waaaaaaaa kok dobre, geeks are cooooomming :) aveš da sm šla jst tud dans v Clarus in sm zbrala take temno modre raybanke pa dubla za đabe ene take isto lušne retro, čis komiiii čakam da jih dobim :)

    p.s. hitr kšne slikce z njimi na blogec! :) xx

  6. zelo lep okvir! jaz tudi potrebujem nove… a to imaš z dioptrijo? kolk pa pride pri clarusu?

  7.  z dioptrijo so ja. :) to pa odvisno kakšen okvir si zbereš, ta druge pa dobiš zastonj pol. Moje so ble kar drage no, tam okol 200€

  8. a ti si dala za ta okvir 200eur ali za komplet narejena očala s stekli in vsem 200?

  9.  samo okvir je bil 200, šipce je pri men pokrila napotnica oziroma recept iz zdravniškega pregleda…

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