Search Day Night

London is finally here!

Spending my last hours home, dreaming about the sweet, shopping full, London days that are ahead of me.When I almost thought I wouldn’t live to the day, it has arrived. I’m now only few hours away from finally enjoying my favorite city in the world again. I’m so excited, I don’t even know how to put it in words anymore. I feel like a little kid again, on a Christmas morning, waiting to open the presents. No, I think this is even better than Christmas morning. See? I’m so excited I can’t even think straight anymore. 

Now I’m off to enjoying LONDON! Don’t miss me too much!

London: The city of my dreams!

London! Can’t even describe how awesome time I had there past week. Shopping, sightseeing, drinking coffee, eating yummy…


  1. juuuuuj lucky girl, jst bi šla takoj nazaj :) Itaq boš uživala miljon :) pa ful slikc pretty pleas :*

  2. imej se super fino fajn. pa poročaj kje boš kej šopingirala, jaz grem namreč aprila tja.

  3. super je blo! :)
    Šopingirala sem na Oxford streetu, klasika, Primark, Topshop, Forever21, River Island in tko naprej… Če se sprehodiš po ulici boš našla miljon trgovinic vrednih ogleda :))

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