You all know pretty well by now, how I’m obsessed with nail polishes. One of my many obsessions, that is. (*upsies*) Well, since my last post about them, the collection grew quite a bit. What can I say, I love having nice nails in every color possible!
The latest adds to my collection: Catrice – In The Bronx, Khaki Perry, Beavis & Mud-Head
I am in love with your blog!! Super zadevca, sem ti naredila malo reklame na moji FB strani, v podporo in zahvalo.. ker sem na tvoji listi blogv!
Love, Ania
hehe…. luškan post, nas je kar veliko k smo s tem obsedeni :)))
drgač pa ful kjut blog maš, zelo rada ga prebiram.. kar tako naprej ;)**
For me the Catrice nail polishes are the best :D
thanks for following!
I love all the glitter!
hvaalaa :D
Iiii hvalaahvalahvaala :D
haha ja, lakci so stvar k te hitr zasvoji :D
Hvaaalaaaa :D
i wish we had catrice, i have geard such great things about the brand
following your blog
Teli trije zgledajo ful lepi!
mislm da lahko ustanovimo Anonymous Nailpolsih addicts haha :D
I feel you girl :D addict sm js isto res!