Search Day Night

Hello, I’m Peppi and I’m obsessed with nail polishes…

You all know pretty well by now, how I’m obsessed with nail polishes. One of my many obsessions, that is. (*upsies*) Well, since my last post about them, the collection grew quite a bit. What can I say, I love having nice nails in every color possible! 

The latest adds to my collection: Catrice – In The Bronx, Khaki Perry, Beavis & Mud-Head

Outfit of the day: Layering, layering…

Since I spent the weekend inside rather than outside, the cold today was quite a shock for me.…


  1. I am in love with your blog!! Super zadevca, sem ti naredila malo reklame na moji FB strani, v podporo in zahvalo.. ker sem na tvoji listi blogv!
    Love, Ania

  2. hehe…. luškan post, nas je kar veliko k smo s tem obsedeni :)))
    drgač pa ful kjut blog maš, zelo rada ga prebiram.. kar tako naprej ;)**

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