Search Day Night

Outfit of the day: Leggings

Who would think that a pair of leggings could be warmer than jeans, but it’s true. I’m beginning to think I’ll spend the whole winter in them, they’re so comfortable and cozy!

I think I’m getting better at documenting my outfits, I mean, I’m faster in the mornings so I have time to snap photos. Let’s hope it last. :)

Top – Dorothy Perkins, Cardigan, leggings, scarf – H&M, Bag – Ebay, Boots – Nelly

Otherwise, my week has been pretty normal till now, work, college, studying, nothing major. I have my first exam next Friday, from Rhetorics, and I still have no clue. Today the store is delivering the oven and washing machine for my apartment and I hope I get the rest next week. I can’t tell you how excited I am for finally moving on my own!

New In: Booties!

Yea, I’m still shopping. I was waiting for these quite some time, but they’re finally here! I’m not…