I feel kinda ashamed, not blogging much these days. It’s crazy here, I’m running around, to classes, work, having lunch with girls and doing all the paperwork for this school year and everything else. And besides, I recently discovered Tumblr, so I’ve been “cheating” on Blogger with Tumblr. I’m gonna get better, I promise. I just hope everything will settle down soon, otherwise, I’m really gonna go crazy!
So I just wanted to stop by and say hi, I’m still very much alive and here, just very busy. I’m leaving you with some tattoo inspirations, I’m getting the fever again and I can’t decide what I want to have yet… Some suggestions maybe?
Definitivno :) drugače bi bla pomojem že cela potetovirana, tako da čakm spet neko razsvetljenje ko bom vedla točno kaj in zakaj, potem pa grem :D
Xoxo, Peppi
Peppika..me kr name spominjaš..tatto fever že kar en čas :) lepe fotke, vse ideje všeč! samo svetujem..res dobro premisli.Osredotoči se na to kaj si in kaj ti veliko pomeni. Ko boš v starejših letih, pa ti mogoče ne bo več tok všeč, boš vsaj vedela da ti je to nekoč veliko pomenilo:)
Pozdravček:) M.*