Search Day Night

Photo Story: Weekend Before College

Another very nice weekend is behind me and may I mention, the last before college. That’s right, the college started today! 

On Saturday I went out with all my ex-classmates for a drink and it was so great to see everybody again. It’s going to be so weird not seeing them in school every day anymore… I have to say, almost all the pictures are shot by my ah-mazing friend and blog-helper Pia (she is seriously gonna be my employee one day!)

And on Sunday, Lucija and I went to Piran, for a seminar about Ljubljana’s Marathon that is going to happen next month. They took us on a boat and wine-tasting to Koper.

We finally got to the first day, being freshmen (is this even the right word? IDK). Anyways, I’m very excited, although my classes will begin next week. So to celebrate the first day my girls and I went to Zbilje for lunch, a delicious salad, how healthy!  Unfortunately, no pictures of yummy food, because it was long gone before I remember to take pictures… And again, pictures by Pia, probably much better photographer than me. Even though she was a little annoying with the camera, I love the results!

Weekly inspiration

Time for some inspiration! I haven’t done it in a while now, and now would be a perfect…


  1. no sej nism tko misnla, ampak pač da bi te kr zaposlila, da boš mela kej od tega še ane :D
    hahaha ja mal si bla res no :P

  2. prwo:js bom sama seb boss.teb bom pomagala samo zrt uzitka:D hahahaha drugo …tenks da si mogla powedat da sm bla dosadna s kamero!:DDD

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