Sorry for lack of posts lately, I’m just not really inspired to write. But I’ve been searching for a little different inspiration. No, it’s not fashion, it’s home decorating. I’m hopefully moving next month, so now would be the right time to start looking for furniture. I already know Ikeas catalogues for the last 8 years by heart and I have a strong vision of how it should all look at the end. But I’m still looking for some ideas, you never know, there might be something even better! So I opened Elle decoration and found this amazing apartment and got inspired all over again.
Here are some photos from Ikea and magazines of what I want my place to look like.
Ohja, tut jaz sm se trenutno bolj vrgla v interior kukr pa modo :)) Absolutno objavim vse, ko bo končano :D Upam, da bo tko enkat v začetku oktobra :)
totally agree!
Interior design, moja večna ljubezen. Zgleda, da mava podoben okus. Moderno, pa malo retro…ful se mi dopade. ;) Jst moram tko al tko še sobo opremit do konca, tko da…komaj čakam.
Pa če boš kaj opremljala, le objavi. :D Stavim, da boš prej kot jst.
IKEA je pač zakon, ane.