I got my first Blog Award! Lovely Nina tagged me for Kreativ Blogger Award few days ago, or should I say almost a week ago. Well, I had kinda hard time putting together 10 facts, so I took a lot of time.
Well, here are the rules and the award: write 10 facts about yourself, pass the award to another 10 bloggers.
10 facts
(don’t laugh, they’re really random)
- I like my space. I can’t share a place with others, not for very long, I go crazy. I need my room where I can do whatever and that’s it.
- I get attached to someone very quickly.Probably because I try to think of people only the best. It’s helluva pain later, if something goes wrong though. And it doesn’t mean that I also get unattached quickly. Quite opposite in fact.
- I’m quite shywhen it comes to geting to know other people at the begining. I’m the quiet type, but only till I’m relaxed enough, then you can’t shut me up.
- I’m not the toughest drinker around. What I want to say is, that I don’t need a lot to be drunk. They say it gets better with time, but I’m apparently the exception.
- I can live on pasta for life. Never get tired of it. Maybe because they’re simple to do and I’m not the best cook around.
- It’s nothing serious, butI’m a little claustrofobic.Don’t like small rooms with no air, they make me dizzy.
- Once, I want to live in New York. Preferably, Manhatan. Don’t know why, that’s my dream, not just because of the Sex And The City.
- Friends mean everything to me. They’re like my family, and I would take them over my own real family anytime!
- When I’m home alone in my room, I turn the music really loud and pretend I’m on stage singing, even though I totally suck at it.
- Very random, but I don’t remember anything else. I’ve never had curls. Not braid curls, real curls, with curling iron or rollers… Not the type for them I think.
And now, My nominees are:
- Anamarija from Stardust and Roses
- Marko from po dežju
- Eva from Fashionistas Diary
- Irma from Pinky’s World
- Nika from Sobotno popoldne
- Manca from Mancinas styling spot
- Cheyenne from YEAH ITS SHYY
- Eva from EVA.
- Ana from FASHION FLY
- Free from Off Trend
So that’s it and thank you again!
Xoxo, Peppi
Pasta fo life! :D
O, jaz se tudi ful najdem v tvojih točkah, hehe.
Ravno danes sem opažala kolkokrat žrem testenine. Pa sem dobra v kuhanju, samo ko se mi res ne da v kuhni bit.
Mir in ljubezen!
wooooo mislm da mam 8/10 s tvojega seznema… :D kodre sm že mela, pa kaka barcelona mi je ljubša od NY…čene pa…spot on :D
awww thanks doll :))
uuu. Thank you!!!