Is it time for inspiration again? I guess so. So this week I’ve been inspired by many things, I’m still in search for the perfect summer wedges (maybe I found them today on web, keep you posted about that). I saw this girl on a bike couple days ago, wearing the awesomest brown leather braided headband, I totally want to have. Maybe I’ll try to DIY it, just have to find the right fabric. Yea, so my main inspiration this week were wedges, summer sandals and headbands. Not that I wore or own any of it.

credit: random tumblrs, Frassy, Fashion Toast, The Vogue Diaries and others
And what’s your inspiration? I would love to know!
thankyouu :))
Thaanks :))
mene pa tista mašna na frassyini glavi najbolj fascinira :D
love all these photos! especially the first and the shot of frassy is awesome !
claire x
I adore these inspirations details, but I absolutely prefer the last shoes pair!!! AMAZING!!!
Great post darling!
O kok ma pa luškan outfit song of style :)! Isto ta zadnja slikca dobr izpade k ma te različno nalakirane nohtke :)!