It’s finally over! I’m done with all exams and there nothing else to do, than be lazy and enjoy! I can’t even describe how good it feels to be finally free from school.
To celebrate the end we went to sea yesterday, to Portorož, and have so much fun, swimming, laying on the sun and eating all the yummi food, like pizza and ice cream. We will most definitely do that again, very soon I hope.No outfit photos though, I was too busy enjoying myself.
Later today I’m going to my grandpa to do some DIY project I’ve been wishing to do for a while now. Definitely keep you posted about that.
Xoxo, Peppi
hehe zdej pa res ni več mrzlo no :P (no ja, danes je izjema-okrog se sprehajam v zelo debelem puloverju, ker zunaj lije že cel dan)
Jaaa, super je blo :D mi je blo kr malo žal da sm mogla domou :)
Zanimivo… Js sm pa še vedno v dolgih hlačah in me malce zebe v kratkih hlačah, kaj šele v kopalkah, da bi pa šla v morje mi še na misel ne pride, kako smo mi istrijani razvajeni :))))
No, pa si šla še ti malo na morje. B) Paše, ne…ležat, jest, pit, se sončit…lenarit celi dan.