Search Day Night

Just saying hello…

Some of you probably noticed that Fashion Junkie was down over the night. The reason was my exceeded bandwidth on Photobucket. Luckily today the stats were reset (my “new month” starts on 9th every month), so FJ is back on. 
Anyway, my days are quite uneventful, went to my grandma yesterday to help with gathering cherries. Today I was supposed to go on a lunch with Eva, but we rescheduled to tomorrow. Already looking forward to a yummi food and seeing my dear friend again! 
I should probably start studying again very soon for the oral part of exams, but I’m just not there yet. Well, except no posts next two weeks because I probably won’t have anytime for blog, sorry about that. But after the exams I promise I will be back with a lot of new posts! So enjoy still having me here. ;)
This is my feathery outfit, actually just my head, I’m wearing a black H&M sweater and leggings, nothing special, my orange feather earring is the only noticeable thing on me today.

Have fun, I’m going to watch Twelve now. Bye!

Weekly Inspiration

Is it time for inspiration again? I guess so. So this week I’ve been inspired by many things,…


  1. boljše da sm ga umaknla, kukr pa da bi stršilo tisto bandwidth exceeded sporočilo namesto vseh slik… :)
    And thankyouu :D

  2. :) ne skrbi sej ti bo šlo na ustnem delu :) evo mene ste pa prepričal da spet začnem čeprov mam še en vedno kup izpitov. Men je tud ful všeč uhanček :) perje, I like <3

  3. :) ne skrbi sej ti bo šlo na ustnem delu :) evo mene ste pa prepričal da spet začnem čeprov mam še en vedno kup izpitov. Men je tud ful všeč uhanček :) perje, I like <3

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