Exams are over! For a week, anyway. Today was the Math day and it sucked. I mean, we’ll see, but I’m just happy it’s over and I can relax. My cold is almost over so I can get out of the house finally, cuz I’m getting crazy in here out of boredom. I went to my grandma today, made myself a little useful and take her dog for a walk. I really like to walk around with that cute doggie of her, it’s so good. I guess I just like that feeling, when you’re walking around, just so you walk and you’re not in a hurry, feels so good and I have a lot of time to think through everything that’s happening.
Enough with my babbling, here’s the outfit of the day. :)
Pants, Scarf – Stradivarius, Top – H&M, Flats – Zara, Necklace – gift, Ring – LuShae Jewelry, Sunglasses – RayBan
Just watched the No Strings Attached movie and it was good. I admit, I’m a really big sucker for romantic movies, whenever I watch them I’m almost crying. So that was something you all didn’t really have to know. haha
hvalabogu je šlo to pri meni že mimo, ampak glas mam pa ševedno ko da bi govorila čez nos :) tebi pa želim hitro okrevanje! :D
hvala :)) jaa, psi so the best company za sprehode :D
Pizda, tut js sm prehlajena. O.o Če ne čihnem vsaj 15x na minuto in si brišem non stop nos, ni normalno..
Nice outfit! :) Tut meni je fajn tko malo it na sprehod s psom, maš razlog za it ven, nisi čisto sam, ampak vseeno zadosti, da lahko malo razmišljaš…